Personnages, illustrations, projets personnels...

mercredi 27 mars 2013

jeudi 21 mars 2013


Gravity effects...

Ceci m'arrive beaucoup trop souvent ces derniers temps...

This happens to me way too often lately...

mercredi 13 mars 2013

samedi 9 mars 2013

Petite remarque au poil...

"In ads: You can talk about body hair, you can eradicate them, but you musn't SHOW THEM. NE-VER.
-Oh well, now that's sooo realistic..."

jeudi 7 mars 2013

Winter spleen

"Nooooo! I still want to sleep under two big blankets, drink hot chocolate at 4pm, and put on fluffy socks, eat tartiflette and chestnuts!
-Ho come on! Everybody enjoys spring!"